10 Little Rules When Good Jobs Go Bad

Who would have thought my informal mentoring chats would lead to a new resource for anyone considering a career change? I certainly did not! I tip my hat with gratitude to @Carol Pearson and @Wendy Price @10LittleRules for believing in me and adding me to the team. I learned so much from both of you… Continue reading 10 Little Rules When Good Jobs Go Bad

“Say it once and say it well”

How plain language can rev up your resume. In this December 23, 2023, Center for Plain Language blog post, I share five easy steps to rev up your resume with plain language. “…Career transition expert Sheila Murphy of FlexProfessionalsLLC emphasizes, “A well-written and well-organized resume (and cover letter) tells me a lot about a person’s… Continue reading “Say it once and say it well”

Save time and money: best practices to build and sustain a plain language program

In this blog post I wrote for the Center for Plain Language I share best practices from three communicators about how to start or restart a plain language program to save time and money. We know that sinking feeling when we read a confusing email or business letter. We scan the wall of words and… Continue reading Save time and money: best practices to build and sustain a plain language program