I translate tech talk into clear and concise writing for real results.

woman using smartphone and laptop
Photo by Plann on Pexels.com

Contact me to create or fix your web text, technical report, proposal, or public information.

Increase understanding, decrease complaints, and improve information accessibility for business or government organizations.

Services fall into the following categories: writing and editing original content to meet plain language standards, editing existing content to meet plain language standards, and training work groups to apply plain language guidelines. View previous performance and work samples.

Build trust with clear and concise text.

Accomplish goals and reach more clients.

Improve skills and communicate better.

Clients and partners say…

Thank you Kate for being a tireless professional and helping us communicate accurate and timely information to the public! It was a pleasure working with you.

Web Content Manager, NOAA

Read the latest updates on my blog – book release for 10 Little Rules When Good Jobs Go Bad, a guest blog for the Center for Plain Language, and several speaking events about writing and client relations!